Prevention and treatment of Trichoderma viride in Ganoderma lucidum cultivation

Ganoderma lucidum is a valuable Chinese herbal medicine. In recent years, the production of Ganoderma lucidum has developed rapidly. However, in the cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum, the damage caused by the contamination of various bacteria is often caused to varying degrees. Among them, Trichoderma viride is the most frequent and most harmful in the cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum. All stages can occur. Trichoderma viride is widely found in various organic materials and soils in nature. It also often floats in the air in the form of conidia. It has strong adaptability, especially on nutrient-rich substrates, and it spreads quickly. It can compete with the cultivated Ganoderma lucidum mycelium to feed nutrients and consume nutrients. It can also secrete toxins to destroy the cytoplasm of Ganoderma lucidum hyphae, inhibit the growth of Ganoderma lucidum mycelium, and seriously affect the yield and quality of Ganoderma lucidum. It is the focus of disease prevention and control in Ganoderma lucidum cultivation. In the cultivation of recent years, we have taken precautionary measures and assisted treatment and achieved good results. First, choose a variety of Ganoderma lucidum that has good resistance to miscellaneous and strong hypha growth. The selection of high quality Ganoderma lucidum varieties is the key to successful cultivation. The varieties with good disease resistance and strong growth potential are not easily infected by Trichoderma viride. Second, strictly select cultivation species. The selected strains require pure seed quality, strong mycelium viability, white, thick, robust, and appropriate bacterial age, to prevent the strains from being introduced into Trichoderma viride. Third, do a good job in the cleanliness of the cultivation environment. Mushrooms should be cleaned of scum and garbage, thoroughly cleaned and used for space disinfection, and eliminate hidden sites of bacteria to reduce the transmission medium. Doing a good job in environmental sanitation can have a multiplier effect in preventing pollution. Fourth, strict choice of materials. Culture materials require fresh, no mildew, before exposure for several days before use, culture material formula requirements are reasonable, the main materials and auxiliary materials should be fully mixed, water content controlled at about 60% -70%, the amount of appropriate, moderate elasticity, loading Immediately after high pressure or atmospheric pressure sterilization, to prevent the acidification of the medium. Sterilization requirements are thorough. V. Establish a strict sterility concept in vaccination. Since the spores of green Trichoderma float around in the air, they should not be paralyzed because they cannot be seen by the naked eye. Operators' hands, clothing and inoculation tools and materials used must be strictly disinfected. For example, operators who choose to inoculate the inoculation room should wear it. Hat to prevent the spores of green Trichoderma on hair. The inoculation action should be as quick and as skillful as possible to prevent the inoculation of bacteria and spores during the inoculation process. The damaged bags in the sterilization process should be sealed with tape and be sterilized with 75% alcohol at the sealing place. Six, appropriate increase in the amount of inoculation, can make Ganoderma lucidum mycelium to occupy the site with absolute advantage, reduce the contamination of bacteria, play the role of mushroom inhibition. 7. Ensure that the cultivation room has a suitable microclimate and train good mycelium. Control the temperature around 25°C, 60%-70% humidity, pay attention to ventilation, prevent high temperature and humidity, create the most suitable environmental conditions for the growth of Ganoderma mycelium, promote the rapid growth of Ganoderma mycelium, and quickly occupy the entire material surface. Eighth, earnestly grasping the training and management of the Shiba stage. Ganoderma lucidum cultivation in Zhejiang is generally selected in the spring, and it is just the high-temperature season in June and July. The growth stage of fruiting bodies is an important period for the prevention and control of Trichoderma viride infection due to the need for high humidity. After the original Ganoderma lucidum grows, it is necessary to unplug the tampon or open the bag in time to avoid damage to the original base and to infect the green Trichoderma. Do a good job of heat preservation and moisturizing work. At the same time, strengthen ventilation and give a certain amount of light to promote the healthy growth of the original base into a fruiting body. Nine, strengthen early prevention and control. Regularly check the growth conditions. Once contamination is found, effective measures should be taken to control the growth and spread of Trichoderma viride. During the growth phase of mycelium, if the material surface is found to be contaminated with green Trichoderma, lime water can be used to scrub the affected area, or be blocked with lime slurry, or injected with 5% lime acid solution; if the fruiting body is infected with green Trichoderma, it should be promptly removed. Spread prevention. In order to effectively control the contamination of green Trichoderma in cultivation, some high-efficiency, low-toxic, low-residue fungicides can also be used to mix or treat, but be careful when choosing fungicides so as not to kill the hyphae, or Cause pesticide residues. The author has used five fungicides, carbendazim, copper hydroxide, pure harvest, chlorothalonil, and anti-virus bactericides, which have a good control effect on fruits and vegetables, to test the growth of Trichoderma viride in Ganoderma lucidum, and found that carbendazim and pure harvest The inhibitory effect against Trichoderma viride was very good in the range of 400-1500 times dilution, followed by chlorothalonil, but it also inhibited the growth of Ganoderma lucidum mycelium, while the use of 0.35 g/L of copper hydroxide could effectively inhibit The growth of Trichoderma viride has little effect on the growth of Ganoderma lucidum mycelium.

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